An RC number (Registration Number) is a unique identification number assigned to a business by the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) in Nigeria. It serves as proof of registration for a business. It is required for various business transactions and activities, such as opening a bank account, bidding for government contracts, and registering on business platforms.
Here's how to fetch your RC number:
Check your CAC registration certificate: The RC number is usually displayed on the registration certificate issued by the CAC. This certificate is usually issued to the business owner at the time of registration.
Visit the CAC website (https://search.cac.gov.ng/home): The CAC has an online portal where businesses can access their registration details, including their RC number. To access this information, on the CAC website, enter your registered business name into the search button, and it will show you your RC number.
Contact the CAC: If you cannot find your RC number online, contact the CAC directly. The CAC has customer service representatives who can assist you in finding your RC number.
In conclusion, finding your RC number in Nigeria is a straightforward process. Businesses can easily find their RC number by checking their CAC registration certificate, visiting the CAC website, or contacting the CAC directly.